Thursday, April 1, 2010

Shifting Your Perspective

We've heard the saying many times before, "it's all in your perspective." More and more I am understanding this in greater levels. In December I wrote a short speech in rememberance of my aunt who passed away and it was written from my perspective of how I viewed her.

Yesterday I took a big test through the State of Alaska that I have been studying for the last two weeks. I got in to take the test and truly felt like someone had given me the wrong test. For 80% of the questions I didn't know the answers nor were they in my 700 question study guide I had used to prepare. During the process I did a lot of praying and decided two things. One - I had a promise! Through a very long process God moved me to this new job and I know that my father has plans to prosper me and not harm any fear needed to be quickly erradicated. Two - I have the Holy Spirit. I began asking Him for help and holding dialogues about the answers. Needless to say I passed ....glory to God! After the test I called work where I was then informed that the state has three different exams and I got the hardest one. The multitude of options for perspective at that point were all available to receive. The one my spirit rose to receive was that it happened for a reason. I was grateful as I was quickened that every opportunity is for the glory of the Lord and our growth in Him. This was a teaching moment for me! I am learning to trust for everything, to solely rely on Him and Him alone.

Now don't get me wrong all prior to the test I had stuggled, worried and got physically ill due to nerves. My initial perspective wasn't helpful :-( BUT when I came out of agreement with the garbage and into agreement with His promise my emotions, attitude and perspective all were free to shift into something greater...Him!

Would love to hear testimony of your shifting perspective moments!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe it's an accident you got the hardest one either. You've now been commended to your new employers by that fact alone! So cool- love these great testimonies. God's salvation is being revealed.

    I could tell lots of shifting perspective stories (seems to happen whenever God shows up) :) The only problem is it would take up a huge chunk of space on the comments! Have a blessed time for the rest of your travel.
