Friday, December 3, 2010

WWF Spiritual Tag Team

Perfectionism and Condemnation are a WWF Tag Team of sorts. Picture one in the ring with you and one hanging on the ropes waiting to be tagged in. Perfectionism starts in and says, "It has to be perfect", "Now make sure you have all your T's crossed and your I's dotted", "You can't mess this up or......", "Don't drop the ball on this one", "That isn't good enough, do it again", "Strive for Excellence" and the list goes on and on. 

Now Condemnation has been waiting to get tagged in but knows that if he's patient and you fail to meet Perfectionism's expectation - it is a sure tag into the ring. "How could you.....", "Why did you.....", "See I told you, you weren't good enough", "You weren't made to do this", "This isn't your calling", "There is no next time, give up now", "You should be embarrassed", "You didn't try hard enough."  He's relentless once inside. 

Anyone who has suffered with or worked in environments where Perfectionism and Condemnation are present, then these sound all too familiar. I've even heard those say, "I'm not a perfectionist, I just strive for a spirit of excellence".  Let's face it - we've been sold and bought the Corporate America lie that is really Perfectionism in sheep's clothing.  Can you see all the motivational posters around your office about striving for excellence?  Do they motivate you?  If so, with what motive?

Here's the revelation:
  • Anytime you are striving in this connotation - it's not of God.
  • The enemy knows the Word and twists the truth.
  • Perfectionism and Condemnation keep Grace out!
I found myself today saying, "but I'm only human" as if to try and justify or silently beg for Grace!  God didn't put Grace behind a counter and say that we had to come justify why He should hand it out to us.  He freely gave of it!  I struggle with Grace but today I needed it and knew that God was the only one that could provide that perfect measure. After Perfectionism and Condemnation beat me up - God showed Grace and today I received it! It's freeing!

Now don't get me wrong, I know the bible talks about working with excellence but ask yourself does your version of excellence make room for the Spirit of Grace?  Does it allow room for God to teach you through your imperfection?  Or does it provide an open door for Condemnation to step into the ring when it's not "excellent"?

1 comment:

  1. Part of being the firstborn child is dealing with this stuff. You just feel 'responsible' for 'everything.' ha! Allowing grace to work over the years is the only way I've survived with any quality of life (not even joking). Anything dished out to me from others was nothing compared to what I could dish out for myself. Excellence with grace is the only way to go. There's so much freedom in that.

    Good stuff, Bethany!
