Having worked in construction and having recently purchased a house, Holy Spirit has been depositing images and thoughts about this season being like a house remodel. The difference is that God is the Architect and Designer. I see remodels on all levels from a paint touch up to a structural repair. If you were like me and began walking with Christ later in life then maybe His re-design feels a bit more extensive.
I can't help but think of the scripture in Matthew 7 where Jesus speaks about what we choose to build our house upon. The wise choice would be upon the rock, which is Christ. Many believers most likely had a foundational update in the first few years walking with Christ. For anyone who has owned a home for a long period knows that there comes a time when updating is needed to keep the structure solid. Wood begins to rot, roof wears out, paint peels, etc... all due to normal wear and tear. What would make our spiritual lives any different. As we walk through relationships, life, work, health, etc... we collect things, wear a groove in an unsightly spot, poke holes or peel a layer off. So the question begs to be asked, "Are you allowing the Architect and Designer to re-design your house?" Or have you barred the doors waiting for the season to end or better yet just decided to vacate and get a new house?!? I have to admit I've probably been doing all three depending on which area.
On a last note, as I was looking for a images to put on this blog, I saw this house. This is a real house and was designed on purpose that way. Let's not question the Architect and Designer on why it's built that way, just know that it's on purpose and has a specific functionality that is unique. Not all houses are boxes and neither are we. Age old saying, 'if were all the same organ we wouldn't be 'one body'.'
Food for thought!
That's every house we've ever owned! We've always lived in the midst of remodeling, but somehow there's always grace. Doesn't always feel like it, but there is. :) Good word, Bethany!