Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Making The Supernatural Be Your Reality

Can you follow the rabbit trail of my thoughts!
Let's say you have a thought or idea and you mull it around until it grows. You create with it, build off of it, speak it out, envision it's future until it becomes your reality or truth. Now let's test that theory. Remember the last thing God told you or showed you. Have you marinated in it and added a measure of faith to it until it has become real to you? If so, it has become your reality even though you may not yet see it in the natural but you are living according to it.

I watched the movie Inception a few days ago. The concept of the movie is to plant a thought or idea into someone (unbeknownst to them) while in a dream state so that when they awake it becomes their reality. The movie stirred my spirit with revelation so I started asking God questions. He showed me a picture of the Garden of Eden while the enemy spoke an idea to Adam and Eve. In just a brief moment they received an idea, envisioned it and then believed it to be an alternate reality from the one they had been living (a lie they believed was real).

In Matthew it says "...out of the abundance of our heart the mouth speaks". What we believe defines the reality we choose to live in.  Example: If I believe a lie and live according it, I unfortunately make it apart of  "my reality". So if I believe the truth (Word of God) then won't I make that my reality and live accordingly?!  We as Christians talk about "having the supernatural become our natural" and many of us are amazed at the fleeting moments we get to experience it but it hasn't yet become our everyday reality.

God recently asked me to write down what I was believing for in an area that I tend to rely on forecasts instead of Him.  I found myself giving Him what I thought was "realistic" obviously according to my reality.  That isn't what He was asking of me.  Yet He wanted me to shift my reality to Him and His possibilities, which are endless. 

I challenge you today! Pick one area where your current reality doesn't line up to His reality of Truth and begin to think, speak and believe for what His supernatural reality says.

Blessings, Bethany

1 comment:

  1. Yep, it's powerful to live in the truth and we definitely have it available to us. Gotta fight for it, stand with it, and go forward! Great thoughts. I'm ready for the supernatural to be a part of every day!
